We have neglected you, the faithful blog reader and for that, deep apologies. Our excuse is we’ve been screening the film and arranging other screenings. In fact, we got really clever and created an I Am What I Play Screenings page right on this site. No more guessing where the film might be playing. You can visit the Screenings page any time to get the up-to-the minute report.
We had a great time at the Beacon International Film Festival in late September. Beacon is a 90 minute train ride from New York City and they’ve carved out a nice artistic community there. I Am What I Play opened the festival this year and we encourage film fans to keep an eye on Beacon in future years.
We had another screening in Toronto on October 15 as part of the Reel Independent Film Festival. It was at the same theater as our Canadian premiere earlier this year – The Royal Cinema. Director Roger King and film subject David Marsden were in attendance and hosted a spirited Q & A after the screening.
Roger went to high-school in Kitchener-Waterloo (about an hour from Toronto) and will host a special presentation of the movie on October 29th at the beautiful rep cinema, The Princess Theater. Tickets only available at this link:
Stay tuned for news on special screenings later this year in Vancouver and Boston, among other cities. We are taking this to radio & music fans, one city at a time!

Director Roger King joined Steve Anthony on CP24 Breakfast Television in Toronto, October 15th, 2015.

The Princess Cinema. Waterloo, Ontario.