We’re a month into 2016 and we’ve got lots of news coming down the pipe in the coming weeks about I Am What I Play. First off, we continue to set up festival and special screenings. One of the stars of the film, Pat O’Day, finally got to see the film for the first time in January at a special one night screening in Bellingham, Washington at the Pickford Film Center. We’re told a full house enjoyed the screening and Q & A with Pat after the show.
There are back to back screenings coming up at Wellfleet Preservation Hall near Boston, as part of their Independent Documentary Series. Details here: http://www.wellfleetpreservationhall.org/index.php/wellfleet-preservation-hall-events/wellfleet-preservation-hall-film/event/4524-independent-documentary-series-i-am-what-i-play
There will also be another Boston area screening in late February with special guest Meg Griffin! Keep watching this space for details and of course have a look at our Screenings page on this site for more regular updates.
And in a few days, we will have amazing news about a special screening in Europe AND future broadcasts on Canadian Television.
Lots in the works!
And of course, we must say RIP to David Bowie who died on January 16. He and is representatives were so easy to deal with when trying to secure the rights to use the song DJ in the film. Of course, we took the title of the movie from a line in that great Bowie tune. He was always a true artist right to the end.
Finally, in our last entry, we highlighted a screening that was about to happen at The Regent Theater in Boston in late December. It was a smashing success with over 300 guests in attendance who enjoyed a special pre-screening meet & greet with Charles Laquidara. Some pics below.

Director Roger King and Charles Laquidara before the screening. Every theater should have a bar!